Wow John. Thanks for this beautiful explanation. Do you know the Superformula of Johan Gielis? I’ve been having talks with him lately. And I’m convinced that Superformula has a big role to play in the shift.
It is one formula for all shapes of nature and Johan explains to me very patiently all the time how in nature all is one and what the mathematical consequences are. He’s now applying the formula to music and is working on a theory of everything (but then from nature’s perspective, he says it’s completely different but so much more true to planetary laws).
He is a botanist and mathematician, understands the Gaia hypothesis deeply and is recognised in the sciences as brilliant. The formula is now e.g. also used to create antennas and MRI scanning devices because all shapes in nature are antennas to receive information…
I’ll send your explanation to him and want to see what he says. These kind of conversations might clarify a lot for people who now just use 'cancel culture' to stop progress to places where it is so natural to be.
Thanks for adding your voice to mine…