We work with it by understanding that our current CO2 problem is framed by our industry, money and power. Industry with old-school, wasteful production methods are causing the problem. CO2 in the air is a result.
Industry says windmills are a solution and everybody is idolizing Elon Musk with his Tesla. It's like mopping up the water when the tap is stil running. Tesla is only driving the demand for litium batteries which ruins South American ecosystems with litium mining.
The solution is really in systemic thinking. Go back to the source of the problem: our want for cheap and polluting stuff made large scale by industry and shipped around the world. Make our lives simple. Local solutions. Adapted to local ecosystems and local cultures.
And whenever we produce CO2 with one of our solutions for human needs, make sure it'll be combined with photosynthesis.
Carbon is a building block that belongs in the soil. Oxygen is a human need that belongs in the air. If we fully grasp that and incorporate it in our (technological) solutions the world will be a different place.