The point is, specific action I do in all my offline projects. My stories do inspire, but I can’t judge how much of a real impact they have on Medium.
On LinkedIn they do have huge impact, though. I talk with a lot of entrepreneurs and individuals 1:1 and they are inspired into doing. And of course that’s my ultimate goal.
I follow these projects closely, often collaborate into making them a success, and write about them too. My stories are more of an explanation nature, why I do what I do and how I do it.
Lots of knowledge on nature’s laws, systemic design, symbiosis and flow is perceived as counter-intuitive to people. So I do need to explain. And then the reality projects and sharing on LinkedIn inspire towards action. A lot is happening that makes me hopeful.
If you come up with a good formula though to get more action, let me know. I’ll gladly follow and learn.