The land trusts are really onto this. Creating 'commons' is the term. Where the valuable parts of life are co-owned by all the community. Foundations are buying up land and giving it in lease to e.g. regenerative farmers. And the foundations are funded by the community.
In my country we get some very funny situations now where government says, we need to build a dyke there, so we need to own the land. But the foundation doesn’t allow that. Land is owned by herself and a community of people is her guardian. Very nice negotiations emerging. Sometimes law suits. But the conversation is going…
And have a look at the countries where rivers have recently gotten human right by law. Still a bit difficult to uphold by our systems that are not used to these concepts. But it’s happening. The Ganges in India e.g. is recognised for her immense spiritual value and can now file law suits against polluters. In New Zealand and Ecuador this has already happened too…