Thanks, Joe. You're so right. You know what keeps me hopeful? While the men are keeping each other in balance (USA, Russia, China) with the war mechanisms, the women are finding their strength and their voices. Look at Marokko, where #metoo is now a big thing in universities. Look at Belarus where the women kept their flower protests going for a long time. Look at Afghanistan where the women are not going to accept that they have to go back to the past under the Taliban.
We have our own methods, but women and young people are really finding their aliveness. Maybe one more generation and the wars are gone? We love life. We love diversity. We are curious. And we want to be the heroines of our own stories. No more car races and wars for us. The wild women warriors are half of the population, remember? And when you add the gender-diverse people and the aware men, we are a huge majority!
So, now we only have to find the wisdom of how to make new systems that do not trap us into old behavior anymore...