Thanks for your great efforts, Lucy. My favourites are very diverse.
Joanna Macy of course with her active hope and work that reconnects.
Lynn Margulis with 5 kingdoms of nature and Symbiotic Earth will really change our science I guess (it’s a documentary now with this title).
Donella Meadows had influenced me greatly. Dancing with systems.
The poems and inner wisdom work of Mary Reynolds Thompson.
Tree Sisters by Clare Dubois.
Maya Angelou about race and womanhood.
Vandana Shiva about food.
For me all topics are connected. Nature uses biodiversity to create balance. Humans have to use diversity.
So all topics are connected and in my opinion it all comes down to one thing. Nature is intrinsically abundant. We humans have used scarcity for our systems because we want to make it simpler. Understandable with our ratio.
Solve that and we’ll solve all.
In the regeneration movement there are now many people on the same page. And I’m glad you are one of them. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out here or on LinkedIn.