Thanks for a thought provoking piece, Caroline. I get torn inside every time I see a begging person. I don't look away, but I do follow my gut feeling about the right reaction. Today, a man with lame legs dragged himself forth in the subway of Berlin asking for money. For food. I considered giving him the small tomatoes in my bag, but thought it to be a respectless gesture so I ate them myself instead
Then I wanted to go to the toilet in the trainstation and found out I didn't have enough cash on me. Less than 1 euro. So I left the line and met a pregnant woman begging. I gave her my remaining money, although I know she's most probably exploited by the leaders of her begging tribe...
Life is complex. Life is being exposed to suffering of others and myself (I'm homeless right now). And at the same time, life is full of transformative moments of getting out of our comfort zones and facing this complexity. Being curious about it and positive for change. Doing what's right at that moment in time. For me. For him. For her. And all of us together..
Often I don't have the answers because life is a full spectrum in full evolution. We all look at the same horizon from different angles. And all we can do is give our perspective in our stories. Thank you for yours, Caroline...