Thank you for writing, Jessica. You are a teacher. You should know that there's one thing that will help us get through it all and still have a great life. Curious energy. Deeply curious energy.
Can you manage it? Can you please try to write your next story in this energy? I'm really curious what this story will look like. Really curious what it will change in you and your stories. I'm a fan of your stories. And it's so sad to see the despair you emit lately.
The world is changing, yes. The world is going from the Anthropocene to the Syntropocene. The world is such a big pool of vortexes (seeming chaos) that the river will have to go streaming soon.
The river will start flowing in one very good direction. The horizon. What does a river do to flow? Drops stick together. And the tumbling vortexes will keep the river healthy.
In 2012 huge cracks came in people's awareness. So now we know we are on a wrong track. In 2020, it speeded up with COVID. People now know we are really on the wrong track and we are still going. That's stupid. I agree. But the changing energy can really be felt now.
I'm really so curious now where it will go. Our lives will definitely not be boring. So why be depressed? We are living in the most exciting times of all! TV is bland compared to it. And all we have to do? Be super curious every moment of every day! It will unfold... Just be a little patient...