Thank you for making me think about it, Elikplim. I think my problem with religion is that I’ve never been in a properly functioning church, now that you mention it. Being brought up a Catholic, I’ve just seen people going through the motions. Not exactly a place of growth.
Many people were just being righteous without really embracing compassion in their lives. Wanting to convince others of their right answers to deep questions without asking their own hearts and souls. And without even acting upon their own answers. It felt hypocrite for me personally.
So I’m without a community of believers since I was about 15 years old. I follow my own heart and soul and meet awesome people along the way. It’s okay for me. Because it frees my mind to have compassion for all brothers and sisters whatever their religion or spirituality (or not…) and also for nature with her beautiful wonders.
Asking many questions and meditating upon the answers is my way of talking and connecting with the deity, the universe, God.
But I thank you for giving our Millenials choices. And writing about your perspective so they can find their own unique footsteps in this world.
Thank you, Henery X (long) for introducing me to this writer. I love asking the deep questions. And another perspective always makes me wiser…