Oh, how I agree with your words, Christyl. Thanks! It's time everyone became a realist as well as a positivist. Yes, the universe works with mirrors. Shine some joy and curiosity and you'll receive joy back. Shine fear and you'll receive fear.
But. Reality is real too.
No use denying I have breast cancer. It happens. And it happens because of all the accumulated toxins and traumas in the world. I will always look reality in the face. And act from that spot. There's really much more we can do to change the world than most of us think. Don't limit it to positive thinking please. That isn't taking action.
But we're not powerless. I really think we should be realistic and learn about regenerative biomimicry as much as we can. Deep ecology is the way to go. In science, technology, business, society, and leadership. Nothing else. We are part of Nature after all and we do have a role to change our human systems for the better...