My experiences in life told me that yes, I can manifest. But it's not about material stuff. It's not even only happy things. You get lessons on your path. My breast cancer is one of those. 1 in 8 women get that. And I've seen many who died because they tried to 'manifest' it away I'm so glad I have learned in life how the planetary laws work. Because they taught me how to be in acceptance and know when serious action is needed. I do chemo now and my planetary laws of infinite possibilities keep me safe and happy. We all die one day. We don't know when. But facing death is a way to learn gratitude every minute. An immense sense of loving life... Thanks for triggering my response. It's just my perspective. I don't do courses... I really hope all women remember when the time comes to face danger. And also know how to find the clues in their life to navigate and find their own meaning. Synchronicity is real. It is my compass. But it has nothing to do with houses and bling bling...