InPredictbyDesiree DriesenaarWhat If... the 110,000 Jew Refugees…... Chose Uganda in 1948?Nov 15, 20241Nov 15, 20241
InModern WomenbyDesiree DriesenaarA Female Perspective on Trump’s Ear from a European FanTipping points exist for a reasonJul 20, 202410Jul 20, 202410
InAfroSapiophilebyDesiree DriesenaarWill Holland, Tolerant Holland, Have a New Hitler Prime Minister?Don’t worry, we have a different political systemNov 25, 20237Nov 25, 20237
InCurated NewslettersbyDesiree DriesenaarOur Dutch Trump, Geert Wilders, Won the Elections. But Is that Really Bad News?Know your history and you can design a good future. No matter what. I’ll give Wilders the benefit of future uncertainty.Nov 23, 20236Nov 23, 20236
InPredictbyDesiree DriesenaarHow Does a Future Regenerative Economy Work? Profit & All?Islands are the easiest exampleMay 27, 20231May 27, 20231