InSymbioticabyDesiree DriesenaarHow Green = Green Is Not Green. Think Full Spectrum, PleaseSuperformula logicJul 17, 202325Jul 17, 202325
InModern WomenbyDesiree DriesenaarHow Do You Like Being a Nomad Living Light Without Stuff?Dealing with an overload of mindSep 15, 202329Sep 15, 202329
InCurated NewslettersbyDesiree DriesenaarThis Is How I Support the New World. How Do You Do It This Xmas?Holiday gift timeDec 4, 202317Dec 4, 202317
InAge of AwarenessbyDesiree DriesenaarHeroes of El Hierro, Part IA European Regenerative Economy. It can be done!Oct 7, 2019Oct 7, 2019
InThe StartupbyDesiree DriesenaarHow to Scale a Regenerative Business ModelTo scale or not to scale. Whatever you choose, ask the right questions…Feb 6, 20206Feb 6, 20206
InILLUMINATIONbyDesiree DriesenaarRegenerative Business Models: 8 Steps for Existing CompaniesNot all companies have the guts to start from scratch, here is what you CAN do to speed up your transition processFeb 10, 2020Feb 10, 2020
InThe StartupbyDesiree DriesenaarBusiness Models: from Linear to Circular to RegenerativeHow can we create regenerative business models? How can business models benefit from synergy and create abundance for people and planet?Jul 19, 201912Jul 19, 201912
InAge of AwarenessbyDesiree DriesenaarHeroes of El Hierro, Part IIA European Regenerative Economy. It can be done!Oct 7, 2019Oct 7, 2019
InAge of AwarenessbyDesiree DriesenaarWhy Ecosystem Restoration Comes First in the New Business ModelsWe need abundant resources, resources, resources…Oct 16, 20193Oct 16, 20193
InPredictbyDesiree DriesenaarHow a Nature & Farming Vision Will Be the Smartest Innovation for Our FutureLeadership wanted! Without a vision, we will be vortexing forever and ever without flowing like an abundant river to the horizon.Oct 17, 20233Oct 17, 20233
InDisruptive DesignbyLeyla AcarogluTools for Systems Thinkers: The 6 Fundamental Concepts of Systems ThinkingIn this series on systems thinking, I share the key insights and tools needed to develop and advance a systems mindset for dealing with…Sep 7, 201769Sep 7, 201769
InThe StartupbyDesiree DriesenaarAre Electric Cars Sustainable? Please, Think in Systems!Systemic thinking gives direction for the new, regenerative business modelsJan 8, 20203Jan 8, 20203
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InClimate ConsciousbyDesiree DriesenaarFashion Can Color Our Future WorldWe just have to radically change the materials and processesDec 3, 202016Dec 3, 202016
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InSymbioticabyDesiree Driesenaar5 Wildly Surprising Nature-Based City SolutionsEurope and Asia are in the leadJun 15, 202323Jun 15, 202323
InTechnology HitsbyDesiree DriesenaarHow a Running Cheeta Inspires The Einstein Telescope, Roads, and ArchitectureBiomimicry is the #1 engineering method in the world right now for good reasons. Climate resilience, energy efficiency, and healthNov 18, 20231Nov 18, 20231
InPredictbyDesiree DriesenaarMosquito-Free Cities Are a Fact in the FuturePlease listen carefully to the children. May looks into the future of healthy cities today…Dec 9, 20232Dec 9, 20232
InPredictbyDesiree DriesenaarWhat Is Web3? And 7 Reasons Why Web3 Will Change the WorldProgress all aroundJul 1, 20233Jul 1, 20233