Integration feels right to me. I didn't want to impose on your decision with Rebecca to call you Gregmar. My own awakened path was only stable again when I integrated more of my selves and accepted that it all doesn't matter. And still...
My parents called me Desiree. I was wanted. My soul's path is also clear to me now, I know what I have to do on this earth. And I'm doing it for two because my twin friend died last year. The name Desiree fits that purpose too.
It's eerie. My friend was called Margriet. Which means Daisy in Dutch. And I write about Gaia Theory, which was proven by... the black and white daisy model.
I also wrote a lot about follow your longing. Your deep desires. Make your efforts count. Make your smile land in a place where she is needed.
And, as Scott Fitzgerald so beautifully said: "the sign of a great intelligence is when you can keep two opposites in your mind and still are able to function."
Gaia is neutral. Always neutral. No right or wrong. No black or white. One grows, then the tipping point comes, and the other grows. There's always just a full spectrum of options. And transformation processes and systems. The future is decided by all actions and reactions of all species and complex flow systems on this planet...
Who knows... I just know my own soul, whatever name she has. And I also know that my ideas and insights are not really mine. They emerge in me. And I try to find words to puzzle it all together. For future generations. That's all.
I'll write you a new poem, dear GregMar. We'll flow a bit with words and stories until it might die down or is taken over by others perhaps...
Thanks for being YOU!