I'm definitely going to contribute. Love the initiative. And I really hope a lot of artists, futurists, and systemic thinkers are going to contribute too.
Not only on how we now use technology. But also inspiring technology-oriented (rather rational) people how to develop the technology of the future and how it fits into the bigger, zoomed out, systemic picture.
Technology can be supporting life if it's designed (and used) in an ethical and systemic way. Technology can be enhancing the health of humans and other species. Think about nanotechnology combined with industrial hemp as a replacement for lithium batteries. Think about the fourth phase of water. Think about VR used to immerse people’s bodies into nature again so they come up with completely different solutions. Think about AI and VR in systemic design, not forgetting to get our hearts and souls activated first. And think about how we use technology to spread our own ethics and value-based stories.
But we all know the risks as well (alienation from nature, violence, narrow-mindedness, polarization). It needs a completely different view on technology and its potential to make it contribute to the world we want to create. And I hope you will help me get our voices out there and inspire with our systemic, regenerative views.
So I hope my friends in the Great Transition will start writing in so far they haven't done so yet. And I hope to read a lot of great stories on technology by Alan Rayner Anna Blume Bert-ola Bergstrand jenny andersson Anna Pollock Daniel Christian Wahl iCanay Rudy de Waele Yuri van Geest Ilaria Forte Della Duncan Eliot Kersgaard Zairah Khan Josine Bakkes Ina Matijević Silvia Sandri Heather Jo Flores Charles Eisenstein Kees Klomp.
Please help me trigger technology-loving readers to think in new ways about what’s important when they develop technology, use technology, market technology. Help me get the toxic triggers (social dilemma) out and combine design solutions with technology solutions (inspired by nature).
I know Dr Mehmet Yildiz, the founder of this publication, is very open to our regenerative views. But do make sure your stories are engaging and inspiring for the audience. Start from the here and now and involve technology (as we know it or not know it yet). That’s what this pub is about. It will be a big pub (the other two have grown in less than a year to 11K and 50K followers) but in order to be read, the stories must be finding a connection with the audience reading the pub.
I’m no editor for this publication so please contact Dr Mehmet Yildiz if you want to be part of it. He will decide on the quality of your stories and how they can fit in. Happy writing, my friends. Happy change-making!
And of course, if you haven’t done so yet, you can always become a writer for our broader publications Illumination (50K followers) (all writers welcome as long as they stick to the Medium rules, a great platform for experimenting and making supportive friends on Medium!) and Illumination-curated (11K followers)(diversity combined with quality content and good writing craft). Click the button inquiries and ask to be a writer.