I know, I see it too, Paul.
But. There’s hope. Maybe you don’t see it, but I do. The companies that make it happen, even in this harsh, stupid environment.
And don’t think I only look at the ideal utopia. It is really happening. The big companies in the lead are Patagonia and Interface. They don’t understand it completely (yet) but they are definitely getting there.
And then I see a bucket list of startups. In my country the best example is blue city. A hub of 50 companies who are doing it, inventing it. There’s a biolab now (took them 5 years to create).
Also in tech I see it. Look at the futurist like Rudy de Waele and Ilaria Forte. Look at the think-tank ZERI that has multiple times now been awarded in science. Look at the economy transformers in governments (new Zealand, Amsterdam) Look at the big laws suits that are being won now.
Many men and women are in this movement Paul. All in their own diverse way. And I’m glad you are doing your bit.
It may not seem like it, but even covid is helping. It just needs time, like everything in nature does. The world is shifting like a big tanker. On the outside it seems we are getting further and further from our goal. 1984 is becoming a reality. But under the radar, a new reality is being built by many. Experimenting, failing, doing it different again.
And we need people like you to have faith and build with us. It’ll happen. It’s no Utopia. I just don’t know if I’ll still see the results or not. But to me it doesn’t matter. Time is irrelevant. It’s doing the right thing in my little time span on this planet that counts for me.