I have Asian heritage, but the concepts from Asia got diluted along the way to the West. So, I use acceptable terms in sciences. I never preach to the converted, although they understand me best. I need to speak the masses' language. And I always choose words that offend the least so my theories and thought get intergated instead of people going immediately defensive. I don't do sprituality (too close to religion). I don't do karma. I do infectuous and biology. Morphic Resonance also. Biologist Rupert Sheldrake. I think the world of science has to understand these biology concepts. Proven after all. We are shifting from Descartes to new, hopefully female philosophers. I want to become one of them when I grow older. OOPS. I'm far over half by now. But I'm still super-active...

Desiree Driesenaar
Desiree Driesenaar

Written by Desiree Driesenaar

Abundanism.com πŸ’₯ Wild & Free πŸ’™ Time Travel πŸ’Ž Pathos-Logos-Ethos

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