Great examples, Maria Antoanela Ionita. I like your article and want to add some examples of my own.
- Whenever you travel somewhere, stay longer and really connect to locals. Make it an experience of wisdom, a trip into the diversity of our beautiful planet
- Give back to nature and the culture you visit. Reciprocity can have many forms, and you can choose the one that fits you best. Giving back is not about money. It is about exchanging wisdom, helping regenerate the environment, supporting young local people…
The smallest Canary island ‘El Hierro’ is a wonderful example for me. The inhabitants created a local regenerative economy and attract mindful tourists. They will learn, support, and help regenerate soil and sea. Here is an article I wrote about these heroes.
And for people of all ages who want to learn about ecosystem restoration and be part of a regenerative group abroad for a while, check out the Ecosystem Restoration Camps. They offer great ways of giving back to nature, learning, and fun.