Dear Umair. It's time to become an adaptive species. I completely agree. Can we solve this problem in one generation? Of course we can. You're into economy. You can connect the dots. We stop all inheritance. No asset, no cashflow transfer. Only redistribution of assets.
The land belongs to Gaia. So we can easily apply things like indigenous burning and other ways of guardianship of her surface. We make sure everyone has access to basic needs. Have you seen the deficit myth of Stephanie Kelton? We can easily do a basic income in one fiat currency. Maybe even do a planetary basic income. Too idealistic? The digital community currencies on Ethereum can definitely do it! And after proof of stake next October they seem to consume 99% less energy. My friends are working hard to make it all happen. Please join!
A basic income and people have less stress and have time for some reflection. There will be stupid ones still. But most people can really be trusted. Please, use your imagination, Umair, and give us these solutions... They aren't too hard to imagine nowadays... And you know economy... Please...