Dear Marcus Greg. That's complexity science. Everything is personally and individual. It's why we can't say what is healthy. What's healthy for you might not be for me... We have to deal with ourselves. Gurus and experts are just there to give us clues. Ideas. And then we have to decide for ourselves what applies in our situation. Look at people who moan a lot about others being toxic. It is a mirror. It's why I say that passive aggressiveness triggers aggressiveness. The first is water seeping through. The second is viscous lava spurting out... My story was meant to enlighten people about their own behaviours and face the truth. We are all at times toxic. We all have light and shadow sides...

Desiree Driesenaar
Desiree Driesenaar

Written by Desiree Driesenaar 💥 Wild & Free 💙 Time Travel 💎 Pathos-Logos-Ethos

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