Can we be brave and act in adaptive ways when something comes in front of our feet? Can we please live in the now, just do right and hold the fear at bay?
I'm not a denier. I'm a science writer. And I see many things that show our planet is shifting. Magnetic fields on earth are getting weaker, our planet is drawn through a magnetic tunnel (so ether is stronger magnetic). There are new earthquake waves registered in 2018. And the core of the earth seems to be more liquid. No one knows the future. It can be good or bad. Ice is melting, but the sun is stronger so maybe we need the melted ice to evaporate and find a new balance.
In the meantime, my advice to all leaders and citizens is to make life flexible and adaptable. Solutions are only worth investing in when they are nested, interconnected and distributed. Why build megalomaniac projects of many billions when the technology is out of date as soon as it is ready?
We live in mighty interesting times! And the best thing to do is grow our courage to just do right in face of danger. We have just become too secure and comfortable...