Be a woman who claims her own desire. Beautifully put. And yes, I am that too. And on the risk of sounding bragging or making you jealous, that's definitely not my aim, I can tell you all of it is possible.
I'm three years in now and we both feel so much gratitude that we have been handed this dessert in life.
He takes care of me. I take care of him. We feel the heat and have the confidence and experience to make it work wonders for us both... That's the advantage of not being young anymore. I'm more than ten years older than you. And the pancakes? He's the best pancake maker in the world. But maybe I should suggest the timing to him... 😂
Your desires are not unrealistic, Yael. Those men are out there. Some of them not even knowing that it is what they want too... Happy exploration. And thank you for inspiring me to be a bit more open about this subject too...
You were one of the writers I admire who inspired me to write about Mike and me and the universe as our dating agency while normally I would have stuck to my ecological sustainability stuff and nature stories...