"The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposites in your mind and still retain the ability to function" - F. Scott Fitzgerald

I'm the founder of an economic, math, nature, and quantum physics health thinktank Abundanism.com - Abundance 4 ALL - Sense & Sciences. Also an independent advisor to the European Union.

In Peloponnese, Greece, we give senses-training and organize get-togethers full of wise professors and newest insights and fun. We glue ALL tech and economy together for healthy futures. Our family consists of Mike & me in Greece, my mum in the Netherlands, my sis in Ireland, 2 bonus daughters (32, 35) and 3 grandsons (5, 8, 9).

I give Biomimicry education (quantum physics) online. And help people become inspiring writers of suspenseful (science) fiction too.

My work can be found in regular media, social media (70,000+ followers) and in projects. At the moment, my partner Mike and I are bringing all the projects we have done in the past together on one peninsula.

Blue Zone in Peloponnese, Greece.

We write about travel, digital nomadism, minimalism, outdoor life, city life, Asia, Europe, and the links to USA current reality.

For Deeper Dives - https://www.abundanism.com/

Medium member since October 2019
Editor ofΒ Abundanism Health
Connect with Desiree Driesenaar