A huge smile appears on my lips. Yes. Yes. Yes. You are not the sexy sweet writer anymore. And you shouldn't be. I shouldn't be.
The world needs wise Mothers who say: this is it. This is the limit! And no, she will not have understanding for everybody's view when she says it. Because there's are to many stupid things going on in the world. And everybody is waking up right now. And trying to save their skin. Put the blame on someone else.
Well, those times are over. I do my darkness work and you better all do yours.
And men, all privileged people? Many of them should stop their divide and conquer tactics and definitely stop whining. It's our turn now. The goddess needs to return until the feminine and masculine are a bit level. Then we can go unleash some future together again. But until then, their only search should be for the goddess inside themselves.
I find her. Everybody, man or woman, can find her too...